Fantasy Football Fest 2024 Announced!

EarlyBird Tickets ON SALE NOW!

We are delighted to announce that Fantasy Football Fest 2024 will be taking place at Vauxhall Beer & Food Garden in Central London on 16th August 2024. Kick off is 3pm.

We are super happy as this means a few things:

  1. We will be able to watch the first premier league game of the season live!*

  2. The selection of food and drinks has increased massively in quantity and quality.

  3. We have a more summer friendly space to enjoy a beautiful evening of FPL deadline day action.

  4. The venue is ideal for people travelling into London with it being 2 mins from Vauxhall station.

There’s still loads more to announce but a limited amount of EarlyBird tickets are ON SALE NOW and you can secure yours here…


or to participate.